Friday, November 16, 2012

Prevention and Awareness of Mental Health a Liberal Ideology

     Prevention and awareness of mental health can be viewed as stemming from a liberal ideology lens.  This ideology is concerned with the development of individuals as well as all of the Canadian people as a nation (Pearson, 2012).  It is through this concern that communities come together for a cause and speak on an issue, in order to prevent it from occurring.  This ideology believes in the notion that communities need to come together to educate one another, thus contributing to the development of individuals.  There is a belief within this ideology which pushes for men and women to become responsible citizens by creating opportunity (Pearson, 2012).

     In my opinion an article posted by supports this ideology.  It is about a community raising awareness about a mental health issue in the town of Orangeville.  The issue revolves around suicide, and how mental illness is a factor.  During the 10th annual World Suicide Prevention Day, a number of people including the mayor of Orangeville spoke about this topic and ways to prevent suicide from occurring among the youth.   It was also stated that mental illness that is untreated is a major contributing factor to suicide (Tremblay, 2012).  To be more specific, individuals who have depression are at a high risk for committing suicide.  Also one in five children have a mental illness severe enough to impact their daily living (Tremblay, 2012).

     I think that it is important to bring awareness to this topic, because it is becoming an epidemic.  More people are dying from suicide, than from homicide and war (Tremblay, 2012).  This is something that effects society as a whole, and bringing awareness opens the door for citizens to create opportunities to do something to try and help.  It allows for people to educate themselves, and when people are educated change can occur. 

     Suicide is one of those taboo topics being covered up, and no one wants to talk about it.  As mental illness becomes more prevalent suicide will always be an issue.  It is important for communities to come together and work on making it known just how mental illness is a factor in suicide.  In order to try and prevent something from happening sometimes we need to look at the whole picture.  In this instance society needs to be educated more about mental illness, as it is an underlying factor, and suicide occurs all too often.

~Alissa B



Pearson, L.  (2012). On Liberalism.  Retrieved from:                                                              

Tremblay, B.  (2012, Sept 12). Raising Awareness of Mental Health (column).  Retrieved from:


  1. I agree that education and discussion is absolutely key in order to help prevent suicide stemming from mental illness. I believe that we all need to be brave and honest with each other in talking about these topics that make us nervous. If we never talk about things like mental illness and suicide, how will people who are dealing with thoughts of suicide know that they can voice their struggles? They could easily feel like no one will listen, or that they will not be able to deal with their struggles gently. That would be a very scary situation for anyone.

    The only solution is to keep doing things like posting this blog to spark discussion, and to keep talking about it. When we ignore problems in our society, they tend to have a habit of coming back stronger and more prevalent than ever.

    So, thank you. Thank you for addressing this issue and starting a conversation to find ways to approach this topic.


  2. I agree with the high need for awareness on this subject and that prevention programs are needed everywhere, such as schools, hospitals, organizations etc. More preventative measures need to occur before suicide numbers increase even more. I was shocked to read the point by Tremblay that said “more people are dying from suicide, than from homicide and war”. Unfortunately, over recent months there has been news on bullying being a huge factor in young suicides. This needs to change, as it is a tragic loss for society when we lose people to suicide.

    Kristen – Mental Illness Group

  3. I agree I think that everyone should be aware of the challenges so they can help people over come them. We need to make people feel like they belong more make them feel happier, try and stop this. That's my opinion.

    - Elysha

  4. I as well agree that the need for awareness and prevention is huge when it comes to issues regarding mental health. By getting the topic out there and getting rid of the stigma that is attached to mental illness is a huge part of the process. Even though mental illness is a disease just like cancer, heart disease etc. it has this huge barrier when it comes to communication and awareness, because of the stigma attached to it. As a society and a community if we were to implement more programs related to awareness and reducing the stigma of mental illness we would have more options when it came to prevention programs and implementing and making effective change in the lives of those people who live with a mental illness.
    - Amanda
