Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Blog of the Semester

Throughout the semester and our blogging assignments I have gained more knowledge on the topic of mental illness in Canada. In my previous college program I took an introduction to mental health course, and it was one of my favorite course in my three-year program. I viewed working with the mental health group as way to gain more knowledge on a topic that I had been extremely interested in since my first year of college. I have learned much more than I had ever anticipated throughout the blogging assignments and group work.

            My first topic was on suicide, which I had never though would be a part of our group’s blogging because I hadn’t viewed it as a mental health disorder. However since researching the topic I learned that although it is not a mental health disorder, several of those who suffer from a mental health illness struggle with suicide at some point. I also learned about the changes that have been made in terms of the way society views suicide, and how it can be stigmatized. Further into my research I learned about the stereotypes that can be put on those who struggle with suicide and how it affects their mental well being.  I furthered my studies on mental health and suicide into my second blog. Also in my second blog I began to learn about the interference of colonial projects interfering with indigenous communities, and the effects it caused, suicide being one of those effects. Learning about these effects was a completely new experience for me as it was an issue I had never heard of before, this was my favorite topic to research and post on. For my third blog I had the opportunity to learn more about an issue that I have felt strongly about for sometime. Housing for those with mental health illnesses is an important one, and one I felt was often over looked. It was a great opportunity to learn more in depth on a topic I thought I already knew so well. My final blog was an eye-opener for me. I wrote it on the stigmatization, and stereotypes surrounding those who have a mental health illness being violent. I had never viewed this population as violent so it came as a shock to me when hearing some of the stereotypes, or beliefs some held about this population.

            From my group I have learned so much, and had a great experience reading their posts, interacting with each of them, and presenting our combined learning together. From my group I learned about the mental health populations and their struggles with employment, restructuring of the welfare state, inadequate income support programs, etc. I have learned so much from each new post, and I hope I was able to share my learning with them. I was uneasy about the assignment first, but at the end of the semester am glad I could be a part of such a different experience.


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