Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Suicide in Europe Throughout Capitalism

In present time suicide is a global phenomena, and currently counts for more deaths then interpersonal conflicts as well as armed conflicts. Suicide is viewed to be one of the most personal acts a human can preform. However social relationships remain to be an important part in the cause of suicide,and suicide has a large impact on the social world. In some cases suicide can be viewed as aggression against others. The study to define, and understand suicide began towards the end of the 19th century with Emile Durkhiem. (Bhatt, A. 2012).
Emile Durkhiem begain his study in 1897, being the first theorist in history to study suicide. Emile studied the social determinents of suicide in relation to the maturity of the industrial revolution. During the 19th century it was believed that suicide was a response to lives challenges, along with a breakdown of relationships, values, and institutions.(Page, at. ell. 2002) Emile set out to change that with his theory on the 4 different forms of suicide. Egoistic was the first which he believed was caused by loneliness, sepration, or lack of relationships. The second for of suicide was altruistic, which was believed to be caused by the belief that it would better the society as a whole. Anomic suicide is the third form and were said to result from a decline in regulation or the upset of social equilibrium.Durkhiem related the this method to the “boom” and “bust” of the industrial capitalism arising during that time period. Finally fatalistic suicide he believed occurred when the rate of regulation was to high, or when people began to see their living conditions as unbearable and saw no other way out. (Bhatt, A. 2012).

Durkhiems theories are still a part of how we understand suicide in present times. In 1897 Durkhiem published Le Suicide a book in which he stated that suicide was an individual act but that society as whole was a part of this act. Following Durkhiems study sigmond Freud continued his beliefs when he studied psychosis. Freud introduced people to the belief that mental health disorders were medical conditions. He also believed that mental and emotional distress could be caused by other factors such as natural or physical. Prior to Freuds study suicide had been illegal throughout the 18th century in many countries. However following the study a majority of countries disowned these laws.(Bhatt, A. 2012).

The concept and views of suicide has rapidly changed since the theories of Freud and Durkheim became known. Before these theories suicide was viewed by society as an illegal act. However in present day sucide is viewed as many different concepts depending on ones views. In Japan since the release of a 1960 japanese modeal the Aokigahara Sucide Forest has become infamous. The forest is located at the bottom Mount Fuji in Aokigahara Japan. The forest has confirmed at least 500 commited suicides that police are aware of. This forest is the second most popular place for commiting suicide in the world. The most popular place is The Golden Gate Bridge in Sanfransico. (Brennan 2012)

Bhatt, A. (2012). Preserve Articles. In undefined. Retrieved October 13, 2012, from
Denning,T. (June, 2011). The Commune. In undefined. Retrieved October 13, 2012, from

Lyle Brennan (April 9, 2012). Mail Online. The Suicide Forest of Japan. Retrieved October 13,2012, from

A. Page, S. Morrell and R. Taylor. (Oct., 2002). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. In Suicide and Political Regime in New South Wales and Australia during the 20th Century. Retrieved Oct. 14, 2012, from Vol. 56, No. 10 p.766-772.

R. Lesthaeghe. (Sep., 1983). Population and Development Review. In A Century of Demographic and Cultural Change in Western Europe: An Exploration ofUnderlying Dimensions. Retrieved Oct. 14, 2012, from Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 411-435.



1 comment:

  1. Wow, I had no idea that there were certain places around the world where that many have committed suicide around the world. That really is eye opening. I believe that suicide is a big issue, and it does affect alot of people. We should value our lives and praise it not try to end it! stay positive.

